Quest for Glory

An ancient World torn by wars, international and inter State. A World of despair where even the Gods had seemed to have turned their backs and abandoned mankind.

An event of Sport and Religion, Honouring the father of the Gods, Zeus, brings hope, unity, and aspirations for all free born Greek men -no matter where from in the Greek World. During the Games safe passage was guaranteed to anyone attending the Games, whether athlete or religious pilgrim.

Three athletes, Alexandros, in his early twenties, brought up by his widowed father and military brother, striving to prove himself; Erasmos in his mid-twenties, handsome and defined build, from an Italian merchant family, naïve and led by Dinon, to whom he is devoted and Dinon in his mid – late twenties, Handsome in a gruff way, and from an aristocratic background, loves Erasmos but uses him when convenient for him, make their difficult and sometimes dangerous way to Elis. They now face the final trials after ten months of training in their individual States.

Their story and individual stories unfold upon reaching Elis, facing the last month of trials against other athletes from all over the known Greek world. Undergoing a strict regime of training and controlled abstinence. During the trials Alexandros is befriended by Iason, another athlete, who is very driven about becoming a Champion. Rivalry, betrayal, death follow.

Completing the final month trials, success for some and rejection and humiliation follow as the chosen ones make their three-day journey to Olympia to take their oath before the magnificent statue of ZEUS in his temple, before competing in their individual events. The rejected, the shame of returning to their city states, humbled and in Erasmos’ case, exile.

He journeys to Cyprus, aided by a merchant friend of his father and he is soon thrown into preparation for war by the Persian empire, sworn enemy of the Greeks.

In Olympia sport battles, mixed with religious festivities, continue with the ever background once over of international and intercity wars.

For the winning athletes the ultimate crown of a laurel wreath and a return home as favoured sons of their city states.